Level-Up Your Business - A Live Online Course for Solopreneurs

I'm a business coach and brand strategist who went from a career in technology, working in the corporate world and at startups, to launching my own business. For the last 10 years, I've been helping female entrepreneurs, many of them solopreneurs, get clear on the work, align with their "why" that supports their financial goals.

I've had the opportunity to work with so many wonderful women with amazing ideas for their business, whether it be a new business, entirely a new product or service or pivoting the way that they're delivering their offering, or even bringing different elements of their personality into their business. But they didn't know the next right step to take. And this left them feeling stuck, frustrated, and overwhelmed.

If this sounds like you, you are in the right place. I am excited to be launching my first live online group coaching program for six women on January 11, 2022. This program is based on the approach and methodology that I've seen work in the lives of my one-to-one clients.

It's rooted in a process that I call THE QUESTIONS, working through this process. You get clear on your why and the value you bring. You discover exactly what you do and who do it for. You work on your brand messaging. You develop your offering. And you leave the program with a strategic plan to move forward in an empowered way.

This allows you to bring energy and focus to each day. It allows you to have the confidence to express more fully who you are and what you do. You will trust yourself more because you will know that you have the answers inside of you. And it will allow you to live a life of intent and purpose. You'll be the one that wakes up every day, doing the work that aligned with your "why" that supports your financial goals.

Book a Discovery Call to learn more.


Female Entrepreneurs: You Are Unique


Treat Everything as a Test